Flat Out On the Buses

Teams construct, decorate & race a bus

3 - 4 uren
Binnen en Buiten
Competitief / Samenwerkend
20 - Onbeperkt


Using detailed construction plans; each team has to manage time and resources effectively to turn a ‘flat-pack’ kit into a giant cardboard bus! Once constructed teams decorate their bus with “advertising” which can be aligned to reinforce your brand message or conference theme.

Buses can be paraded and the best themed bus awarded a prize for creativity. The challenge concludes when teams get “on the buses” and race against each other using speed and control to the next bus stop.


Teams need to understand the overall objective and divide this complex project into time effective, clearly defined sub-tasks. Individuals aspire to a common goal and effectively collaborate and co-ordinate their efforts as a team. Being such big, broad forms of transport, fun and laughter accompanies good-nature competitiveness during the race.

Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Ondernemen

Teams can place bets on the race or, take it to the next level and prior to the event seek “sponsorship” for the advertisements on their bus to raise money for schools and other charities.

Related Testimonial

Een geweldige manier om het belang van effectieve communicatie en strategieontwikkeling te benadrukken om een samenwerkingsproject in een beperkte tijdspanne tot een goed einde te brengen. Heerlijk om naar buiten te gaan, uit de buurt van beeldschermen, om samen plezier te beleven!


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